2020 Reads

How’s everyone holding up? Like most people it’s the end of week 1 of self-isolation/quarantine and I can’t lie – it’s been rough.

faint i cant GIF

I’m sure we all are working through our feelings of frustration, anxiety, sadness.

I hope you have found outlets that promote happiness and reassurance during this crazy time.

Like you, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. One of the things that I’ve been doing is compiling a list of books that I’m most looking forward to reading this year. Some of the books are previous releases as well as ones that are set to be released later this year.

In this time of uncertainty I think one thing is guaranteed – BOOKS.

Continue reading 2020 Reads

Snow Day Vibes

I’m currently in the middle of my second official Snow Day of 2019! (Well, technically my third due to freezing rain we had in the city last Wednesday that lead to multiple class cancellations.)

Self-Care experts like myself have perfected the art of how to use Snow Days wisely. For some, it may be harder to actually be productive during days when you are snowed in and the temptations of your home (your bed, TV, game console, your phone etc.) are all around you

Don’t fret! I’m here to offer you some advice on how you can use your Snow Day in a way that you will thank yourself for come tomorrow.

Continue reading Snow Day Vibes