Snow Day Vibes

I’m currently in the middle of my second official Snow Day of 2019! (Well, technically my third due to freezing rain we had in the city last Wednesday that lead to multiple class cancellations.)

Self-Care experts like myself have perfected the art of how to use Snow Days wisely. For some, it may be harder to actually be productive during days when you are snowed in and the temptations of your home (your bed, TV, game console, your phone etc.) are all around you

Don’t fret! I’m here to offer you some advice on how you can use your Snow Day in a way that you will thank yourself for come tomorrow.

Set aside an hour or two for work/school related things

I know, I know. I’m a kill joy. Your first instinct when you see that cancellation notice is to stay in bed and binge watch your fave show, or catch up on your leisure reading for the entirety of the day. I strongly agree with doing those things, but, if you have looming deadlines it might be best to turn off your TV or put down that book for an hour or two and look over/work on your projects for the week. By doing this you might actually create more time for yourself during the remainder of the week as you spent some of today working ahead. Once that hour is up and you feel good about what you’ve accomplished, GET BACK TO THAT BINGE WATCH OR BOOK.



Getting dressed? Yeah, right! Since there is no way you are leaving the house today (you couldn’t even if you wanted to tbh) who says you need to get dressed? Stay in those PJs and live your best life. You wear dress pants, dresses and jeans all week long. Allow yourself to be comfortable for once! If you are someone who doesn’t find pleasure in staying in your PJs all day (sorry, we can’t be friends) throw on a pair of your comfiest sweats and forget about trying to look cute today. Messy hair, don’t care.


Take a bath



Make sure your phone and portable phone charger are charged

Lots of snow/freezing rain = down power lines = power outages. You don’t want to get stuck without a window to the outside world should the power go out. If you don’t have one of those crank radios handy, you may have to use your phone’s data plan to check up on news about the outage and how long it may take for power to be restored to your area.


Put the kettle on

A nice warm cuppa fixes everything. FACT. Sip your tea while you look outside thanking God that you don’t have to be out in this weather. (If coffee is your thing, do you.)


Take a break

Without a doubt, this is my most important piece of advice. We are in the dead of Winter which means there has been little to no sunlight, you’re constantly feeling chilled, you may be fighting off a cold or in the middle of one, your skin is dry, you are tired – everything is just blah. You work hard 5+ days a week and you have been blessed with an extra day off. Give yourself a break. Whether it’s a combination of the things I’ve talked about above or just staying in bed all day, you’ve earned it. Enjoy it!


(GIF Source: GIPHY)






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