2020 Reads

How’s everyone holding up? Like most people it’s the end of week 1 of self-isolation/quarantine and I can’t lie – it’s been rough.

faint i cant GIF

I’m sure we all are working through our feelings of frustration, anxiety, sadness.

I hope you have found outlets that promote happiness and reassurance during this crazy time.

Like you, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands. One of the things that I’ve been doing is compiling a list of books that I’m most looking forward to reading this year. Some of the books are previous releases as well as ones that are set to be released later this year.

In this time of uncertainty I think one thing is guaranteed – BOOKS.

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Leave The Mortal Instruments series alone

Book covers for The Mortal Instruments series (SOURCE: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/mortal-instruments/images/39116481/title/mortal-instruments-photo)

The evil is almost defeated. The evil being Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments TV series on Freeform & Netflix. Now that the series is in its endgame with its final two episodes on the horizon, I am here to make a plea to anyone and everyone who will listen: Leave The Mortal Instruments series alone.

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Winter Reads


Winter is peak cozy season. There is no better time to put the kettle on, curl up with your cuppa in your favourite chair/nook and read a book.

Throughout most of this year, I was kind of in a reading slump. I wasn’t able to find many books that really grabbed me or that I was fully invested in. For that reason, I found myself indulging in rereading books that I already know and love. Though there is nothing wrong with rereading books, I was really itching to read some new releases.

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The fans are the worst part about Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts

Fandom. If you look up “It’s Complicated” in the dictionary, “Fandom” would have it’s own subheading.

Though it’s great that we have sites like Tumblr, Twitter and Reddit (just to name a few) that give fandom communities a place to interact, create and reblog/post content, these sites are also breeding grounds for conflict.

The Harry Potter fandom is without a doubt in of the biggest fandoms in the world ( @ me if I sound bias, but this is just a fact.) Since the films originally came out, there has always been a divide within the fandom between those who prefer the books over the films and vice versa. Personally, I see valid arguments on both sides. It’s true that the some of the films left out chunks of vital information from the books (Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince left out Chapter 10 from the book almost ENTIRELY). But, it’s also true that film its self is a completely different medium, and for that reason won’t be able to give you a word for word adaptation of the book.

Personally, I love the books and films equally. Both are massive parts of my childhood and I turn to one or the other in my adulthood regularly to this day. I have never had an issue with the Harry Potter fandom on Twitter or Tumblr. Debates about the books vs. films, characters, ships, OTPs were kept relatively civil…that is until Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.

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