Peter Parker? I don’t know him.

Can you believe that 2018 really gave us a superhero film starring an all Black cast AS WELL AS a film starring a Biracial superhero? If you need proof that this year wasn’t completely trash, there is your proof.

The day it was announced that Marvel got the film rights to Spider-Man back from Sony, I just knew that we would finally get the Miles Morales live action Spider-Man film adaptation we all deserve. Clearly I was getting ahead of myself because instead of Miles, we got yet another Peter Parker reboot in the form of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Continue reading Peter Parker? I don’t know him.

Avengers: Endgame Trailer

Hey MCU Fandom,

How are we today? Are we excited? Scared? Happy? Traumatised? A manic ball of emotions that won’t be able to properly rest until the release of Avengers: Endgame April 26, 2019?

It’s the latter for me.

Today was my final day of classes for the term and just before the start of class this morning, I logged into Twitter to see that the trailer we have all been anxiously waiting for since the end of Infinity War had been released.

The rest of the day was an absolute write off because the only thing on my mind was the trailer and what we are in for come April.

Here are the things that (traumatised me) stood out the most to me in the trailer:

Continue reading Avengers: Endgame Trailer

RIP Stan Lee

Image result for stan lee

I don’t think I can write a post long enough that will truly express how thankful I am for Stan Lee and characters he created.

I have always loved superheros. As a kid, my Saturday mornings weren’t complete without watching Batman: The Animated Series, Teen Titans (FYI: Teen Titans GO! slander will not be tolerated on this blog. Put some respek on this show.), Spider-Man and so on. I also vaguely remember seeing the first X-Men, Spider-Man and Fantastic Four films in theatres.

It wasn’t until 2008 that I became a Marvel super-fan. I remember seeing Iron Man in theatres and being absolutely gobsmacked. Not only was that film the beginning of my love for Robert Downey Jr., it was the beginning of my all consuming love for Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Continue reading RIP Stan Lee